Pet Health Insurance and VIP ' s

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

When most people take a pet is bad touch that sincere is receiving to profuse treats, has unduly populous relevant toys scattered around the ground, or it’s allowed to sleep at after dark in support adumbrate its humans, normally fascinating up the entire lining and hogging all the covers. I once precise saying a pot bellied pig who was hence blighted that its humans designed an built the miniature porker its selfsame own out pied-a-terre whence irrefutable wouldn ' t get snowy answering natures call.

Japanese pet owners takings the interval bare - decisive - pets to a total brand-new unfluctuating. In Japan well loved pets enjoy aromatherapy, acupuncture, trips to the doggie spa where they a lovingly massaged, and in some cases have their very own personal trainers.

It is a well known fact that we tend to spoil our pets because we love them we want them to have the best of everything but recent studies have shown that pampering our pets might actually doing as much harm as good. One recent study from an undisclosed source claims that we are actually making our beloved pets stupid by spoiling them. We are in such a hurry to make their lives easier that we take away their need to problem solve on their own. The less they have to loose their brains the less they can do on their own. This problem is especially common in households were the dog seems to be running the show. What would happen to that pet if it really had to think for itself?

A concern veterinarians have regarding spoiled pets is weight. The more spoiled the pet the more obese it seems to become. The obesity can lead to later health issues that can actually decrease the life of the pet. Weight can affect the skeletal system until hip problems start to develop, obesity can cause respiratory and cardiac problems, the extra pounds of blubber constantly pushing on the joints can start to create stiffness and discomfort.

It is not uncommon for veterinarians to see a lot of the spoiled pet as it enters into the last few years of its life. The problem with older overweight pets is that every time they are brought to the vet clinic they are exposed to more germs, bacteria, and viruses that can lead to still more endless trips to the vet.

For the most part the humans caring for the very - important - pet don ' t have to worry about the increasing number of the visits to see a doctor. Most doting parents bought pet health care insurance during the early years of the pet’s life. All of the pet’s health care needs are essentially bought and paid for.

I wouldn ' t be the least bit surprised if in a few years you didn ' t see pet health insurance companies raising the rates of their VIP customers. On solution to the pudgy, somewhat shallow house pet is the appearance of specialist animal slimming clinics. Pet owners can go to these clinics and learn all about their pets nutritional needs and exercise programs that will help the spoiled child start to shed some of those unnecessary pounds.


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